Friday 26 November 2010

Conventions of a music magazine; contents page.

 This is a contents page from Vibe magazine. A contents page is important as it gives away some information on what will be featured in the magazine and where. The contents page can help a person decide on whether they will or wont get the magazine because it enables them to have a quick glance at the magazines format and contents and if they do not like the majority of what is featured in the magazine, they can put the magazine back and not buy it. Therefore it is important to give away enough information to attract and interest the reader, but not give away the whole of the contents entirely.
  The colour of the background is grey and this carries on the theme from the front cover of the magazine, as does the colours of the text. Ciara who is on the cover and featured in the contents page is also wearing grey to match the theme of the magazine and complement it nicely. The colours grey, black and white are simple but effective. This is a contents page and although it has to match and carry on the theme of the front of the magazine, it doesn't have to be 'over the top', but also it can't be too boring. In this case, I think, that simple is best and the use of colours work really well, especially with each other.
  The text of the contents page is also quite chatty, much like an article in a magazine for example it uses words such as 'gasp!' and 'CrazySexyNasty'. The use of colloquial language and onomatopoeia makes the reader become relaxed because it is like someone is talking to them or reading it out loud to them and talking to them on their level. It isn't too sophisticated language and it's chatty and friendly. Also, the size of the text and style of font is important. The word 'contents' is written in large bold white writing to attract your attention and to show you that this is the contents page. There are headers such as 'features' and 'fashion', these are in a different font to the 'contents' font as to keep attention and to not make it look boring. There is then a sub-heading and page numbers which are the same size. The sub-headings are written in capital letters as this attracts the eyes of the reader to look at it. Sub-headings are usually puns or play on words to add humor and interest to the article. There is then a small paragraph of information under the sub-headings explaining what will happen on each page. Also, in this particular magazine, they have stated who has written the article, the person who has photographed the artist or model and who has styled the person/s in the article. For example, Ciara was photographed by Simon Emmett.
  A contents page usually contains a photograph or photographs of people who will be featured in the magazine. Usually, the person who is on the front cover also appears in the contents page. This is to help show the reader that they are the main focus of the magazine and will probably have an interview close to the front of the magazine. The pose of the artist is much like the front of the cover, which is suductive and can been seen as inviting. She has her legs in the air and isn't wearing much appart from a leotard also she is looking dead into the camera with her eyes squinted and lips pouting, which helps her seductive image. The seductive image would probably mostly appeal to men, and her clothing and jewelry would appeal more to the female audience.
 This has helped me decide what to do on my magazine contents page. It should be kept simple, but not boring and not give too much away about what will be featured in the magazine. The colouring is also important as it should be continuing the theme from the front page, which will then carry on to the rest of the magazine. The artists or artist featured in the contents page is also important.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good piece of observational analysis, nicely linked in to your own ideas!
