Tuesday 16 November 2010

Unique Selling Point

A unique selling point is something that makes a magazine stand out from the others.  Many things can be classed as a magazines 'unique selling point'. Such as cheaper price than leading magazines or they may always have popular artists featured in their magazines.
 There are a lot of pop music magazines out in the public domain, so I will need a good USP to make mine better than the leading magazines out there.
  I think that my USP will be the fact that my magazine focuses on not only current pop music, but also older, classic pop music. This will help my magazine gain extra interest from people who like older music, but also current up-to-date music. Also, I think it'll interest the readers who want the magazine for the current pop music, because it'll teach them about classic pop and introduce them to 'new' music.


  1. You need to decide how your pop music magazine is going to be different to those other magazines around. You could survey current music magazines and note that most have a USP and, so, your needs to as well. Have a look at those around that focus on pop - how will yours be different?

  2. Phoebe - I still think you need to define your USP a little better - not sure the same magazine could satisfy pre-teens to older people. Why not come and have a chat?
