Wednesday 10 November 2010

Preliminary Task

 The preliminary task for print is a college magazine, for it I will need to do a front cover with a student in median-close up with a story line and a header. Also, I will need to do a mock up a contents page and a double page spread. The mock up will be done on paper. I will then analyze my magazine.

 This is my front cover of my magazine I did for my preliminary task. I did a preliminary task to help me decide what I should do differently when I produce my actual magazine. 
 There are many things I would do differently when I produce my magazine. For example, I think the colours are pretty boring and isn't very attractive. Although, I do think the colours white, blues and yellow work together nicely. Also, I've only used two different types of fonts, and although I've varied the font sizes, I think it looks pretty boring using the same two fonts all the time. I chose the fonts to attract the audience who would read it, which is teenagers. So, I think the font I chose works pretty well for my target audience. 
 I also think I've over-used capital letters. I tried to make it stand out which is why I wrote everything in capital letters. However, it doesn't look professional with everything in capitals because on a magazine cover, not everything is in capitals. They use different methods to make their magazine stand out, such as colours and fonts. So I think I should focus more on those aspects to help make the magazine look interesting and make it stand out, rather than writing everything in capitals.
 I think I should also add more texts and pictures on the front, as to not make it look empty and 'not finished'.
 The titles pretty boring, and I think I should come up with something more creative when I produce my actual magazine.
 The barcode is in a good place, I think, because magazines tend to have them on the front. Also, I like the placing of the date, price and issue number at the top of the magazine.

This is a mock up of my contents page. It will include around six pictures. One large main picture of whoever is on my front cover and then underneath smaller pictures of other people featured in the magazine. I have placed the contents page at the top of the page and it'll be in big letters. On the left hand  side of this, there will be text describing what is in the magazine, and perhaps one or two pictures next to the writing. The images will be a mixture of black and white and colour, making it look interesting and varied. The font of the text will be in different sizes and probably a mixture of two fonts. Again, making it varied and interesting. 
 I need to think about more detail such as colours and what will be written in the text. Also, I should do more research on contents pages to see if this is a good idea for a contents page and whether this looks like a contents page which could belong in a pop magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done on completing the prelim, Phoebe! Some good reflections on the task - could comment on the photo and cut out skills? Worth thinking about teh box around some of the sub-headings - do magazines do this???? They probably wouldn't use many more fonts but they may add variation by changing the size or using a few colours or adding different border strokes etc... Have a look at a few and see - too many fonts makes it look a bit chaotic!
