Wednesday 15 December 2010

Lists of equipment needed.

For my photographs, I will need to think about if I will have any props, what colours will be use, costume etc.

  • Front cover- nothing.
  • Contents page- Balloons?
  • Double page article: Main Photo: Balloons? Photostrip: Kittens.
  • Black
  • White
  • Bright colours.
  • Fashionable clothing-
  • leggins
  • over-sized jumpers
  • Curly/Wavey hair.
  • High heels
  • Painted nails.
  • Medium Close up- front
  • Long shot- contents page
  • Close ups- photostrip
  • Medium/long shot- main picture
I think these would be good ideas to use because these are typical things used for pop magazine shoots. With expressions in the photos she should be smiling and looking in to the camera to connect with the reader. Smiling is typical expression used in pop magazines as to appeal to the audience.

1 comment:

  1. It may be worth adding why you want these elements - what image do they suggest? do they fit the genre? You could also detail the type of shots you want to get - close-ups, mid-shots? model looking at camera? expressions? what locations are you going to use? This could benefit from a little more expansion?
