Friday 17 December 2010

Magazine photographs; front cover and contents page.

 For the front cover and contents page of my magazine, I used the college studio to take my photographs. I took over 200 photos because this way I would have more choice for my magazine. I took a range of different shots; extreme close up, close up, medium close up and long shots. I also did different angles, low angle, high angle and canted angle. I also got my artist to stand in different positions, with different facial expressions. Below are possible pictures I will use for either my front cover or contents page.

This is one of the photographs I took. It is a close up and if I were to use it, it would be for my front cover. I like this one because she is looking straight in to the camera and smiling slightly. She is well lit so her face can be clearly seen. Looking into the camera helps for the artist to connect with the magazine buyer, also her body is bent towards the camera which also helps for her to connect with the reader. It is also a slightly low angle. The problem with this is that I have cut off some of her head, so this probably couldn't be used as a front cover.

This one is a medium close up. This would also be good for a front cover, because again she is looking in to the camera with her body facing forwards- like most magazine covers are. The fan was on whilst taking this, so her hair is moving which makes the picture look more alive and interesting. Fans are commonly used on magazine covers or contents pages. 


The last two would be good to use as contents page because the text could easily fit around the images. The top one is a long high angle shot and the bottom one is a medium shot. She's looking in to the camera which helps her inteact with the reader and it's a different position to the front cover which makes it more interesting and adds variety.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget it is a medium close-up! If you like the first shot, you could always reshoot it and use it, making sure you keep space above the head!It wouldn't take long. The second shot also suffers from a bit of head lopping! 3rd and 4th ones are good but 4th is closer and allows for more engagement of the viewer? I think the second, if reshot, would make an excellent front cover shot!
