Saturday 11 December 2010

Magazine Article.

This is part of an article from Q magazine. I am going to analyse the writing style of the magazine and this will help me to make sure my article is in the same writing style which will make it seem more professional.
Teetering on a narrow metal rail in the middle of Madison Square Garden, Win Butler is enjoying a Rock Star Moment. If in the past there has always been a slightly tentative air about him as a frontman, tonight, on this, the second of Arcade Fire's rammed-to-the-rafters shows at the hallowed New York venue, his hesitancy appears to have gloriously evaporated. Midway through a pounding take on We Used To Wait, he exits the stage and enters the crowd, picking his way through them by attempting to balance like a tightrope walker on the lip of the safety barrier running all the way up the left hand side of the arena- not the simplest of tasks when you're 6'4" tall and in possession of size 15 feet.
Surrounding him are 19,500 ardent Arcade Fire fans, here witnessing what is effectively the launch of the Montreal septet's third album, The Suburbs, released two days previously here on 3 August; out there in broadbandland, another 1.8 million people are viewing his precarious antics via a live webcast being supervised by film director Terry Gilliam. Far behind him, onstage, the other members of Arcade Fire plough on through the song, while watching their now apparently fearless leader's preogress with a mixture of trepidation and delight.
Pummelling a piano centre stage, Butler's petite corkscrew-haired wife, Regine Chassagne is thinking, "Go,Win!" as her husband keeps a careful eye on this footing and-as he will later admit- firmly concentrates on "not falling to my death". Elsewhere, stage left, his younger brother Will Butler- like most of his bandmates a multi-instrumentalist, and the one most likely to perform such hair-raising stunts during an Arcade Fire show-thumps the keys of a vintage synth and views his sibling's escapade with an experienced eye. As the singer moves to the arena floor and is swollowed bythe mass, Will knows his brother will be alright. "Normally," he will later note, sagely, "you can tell by the state of the barricade if you're gonna get your shirt ripped off or if you're gonna be OK."

Presentation 1

This will help me when I write my article. Things I will need to keep in mind is;
  • Not have too much text.
  • Use text grabs, different coloured fonts etc to get attention
  • Get to the point straight away so the reader knows what you are talking about
  • Short sentences and paragraphs
  • A mixture of informal and formal text, with no grammar or spelling errors.
If I stick to these I should be able to write an article which is professional sounding and interesting.

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