Saturday 11 December 2010

My magazine article first draft.

Headline: It's all a bit crazy, isn't it. (quote from text)

Subheading: Princess of Pop, AMY GOULDSBROUGH, speaks exclusively to Pop Life. We catch up with the rising star as she discusses her new album, Katy Perry and Hollywood…

After the enormous success of her last album, she’s back! And she’s back with a bang! Not only is her debut single ‘Bearded Kittens’ racing towards the number one spot, Amy has just signed a £50million contact deal with Sony Records.

 Mild-mannered and shy doesn’t seem like the typical words to describe a pop star, but that’s exactly what she is. As she sits in her room, surrounded by pink walls plastered with band posters, she looks every bit the normal teenager, except she’s anything but. She’s the girl who has achieved 3 consecutive number ones and has had her album at number one in the charts for 16 weeks straight- at just 16. "It’s all a bit crazy, isn’t it?" The wide, blue-eyed Amy smiled. "I never thought I’d be here, the amount of success I’ve had is amazing. I’m really lucky."

  Lucky indeed, only last year she was living in a semi-detached house in North West England, now it’s all about fancy restaurants, expensive shopping trips and luxurious holidays, but don’t think she’s not thankful for everything she’s received. "I think it’s important not to forget your roots, you know, who brought you here. I don’t think I would be where I am without the love and support I’ve gotten from my family and friends. I’m definitely living the dream now though."

 Amy may be relatively new to the music scene, but it doesn’t mean the rumours from the media haven’t started, "yeah I’ve had a lot of bad press from the media lately. I don’t want to go in to it, but you know I just want everyone who reads Pop Life to know that you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the tabloid newspapers. That stuff’s kinda hurtful", Amy sighs with a heavy heart. Not that this bad press is stopping her from going to the top spot. Her last album "Be Not Always" reached the number one spot and stayed at number one for 16 weeks, with three singles "Be Not Always", "Dance Nation" and "Get Down (On the Floor)" all reaching number one, which is very impressive for a début album.

  Her last album produced an up-beat, 70s-styled-disco, mixed with modern pop sound; however, her latest album is a far cry from her previous. "I wanted to do something different. Push the boundaries. It’s more…fun in comparison to my first album. The world’s a bit…crap at the moment. I just wanna inject some fun and life in to it. Don’t take life seriously." She added, "Hopefully; it’ll be more successful as my last."

 Well, with the first single "Bearded Kittens" well on its way to number one, it’s looking that way, and it’s been given good reviews from critics, with one claiming it’s "going to be the album of the decade." And with another saying "she’s a new, young Beyonce." Also big stars such as Katy Perry, Take That and said that they would love to collaborate with Amy saying she’s "the next big thing." The young star beamed, "I’d love to work with Katy Perry, she is one of the reasons why I got in to music."

  It seems like it is good news after the other for Amy; reports have claimed that Amy has been offered a roll in a big Hollywood film. Amy shyly turns her head away and says she can’t discuss that. Whether she’s going to Hollywood or not, all we know is that her first priority is music, "I’m very passionate about music. I hope I’ll be around for a very long time."

All we can say is watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. A really good article, Phoebe! You may want to add an assessment at the end or in a separate post - use my feedback and try and get two other people to look at it and offer comments. Then try to suggest how you could improve a good article even further! I like the headline - better than my suggestions on your handed in draft!
