Wednesday 15 December 2010

Organisation of time during college hours.

This is a time table of how I will spend my remaining time during college before half term working on my blog. I will use frees and lesson time to help me do the most on my blog before half term.
 Over the half term, I will carry on working on my blog making sure posts are up to the best standard and there is nothing else to add. Also, duing the half term I will take the remainder of my photographs for my contents page and double page article.
 Once I return after the half term, I will carry on producing my magazine. Making sure it is all completed to an excellent standard before the 10 weeks are over.
 The two weeks I have after half term I will be focusing on creating my magazine covers. If I am able to; I may stay behind after college one night a week to continue on the magazine and get a little more done. I will carry on with my front cover but I will do a bit on every page each lesson.

1 comment:

  1. It may be worth stating which week this is for and what it covers - e.g. getting your cover photos...

    It would be good if you could do another week sheet like this for the two weeks we get back and how you hope to use the time to finish your three pages?
